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Glossary of Terms

Glossary of Terms
Action Steps -
allow the client, with the support of the Case Manager, to break down the desired outcomes into manageable activities.
Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Veterans –
those who served Canada since the Korean War (post-1953). VAC considers any former member of the CAF who releases with an honourable discharge and who successfully underwent basic training to be a Veteran.
Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act (CFMVRCA) -
sets out requirements for assessment of need and development and implementation of a Rehabilitation Program or Vocational Assistance Plan for each client type (Rehabilitation Need veteran, Medically Released veteran, spouse/common-law partner or survivor) who is determined to be eligible under the program.
Case Management -
a service offered by VAC to assist former members, Veterans, RCMP and their families with complex needs and who may be finding it difficult to navigate a transition or change in their lives. VAC Case Management Services enable Veterans, and their families, to achieve mutually agreed upon goals through a collaborative, organized and dynamic process, coordinated by a VAC Case Manager.
Case Needs and Complexity Indicator (CNCI) -
a tool used to identify and isolate caseload indicators that are predictive of the amount of time and effort a Case Manager requires to work effectively with his or her assigned case managed Veterans.
Case Plan –
a tool to document the case management process, developed by the Case Manager and the Veteran, through consultation with others, such as the Veteran’s family, external resources, and members of the interdisciplinary team as appropriate, with appropriate internal and external referrals made. The Case Plan includes sections: Overview of the situation, Where do you want to be?, What is preventing you from getting there?, Desired Outcomes, Action Steps, VAC Client Agreement, Resources, Indicators for Success, Progress Notes, and Disengagement (transition to a more appropriate level of support).
Desired Outcomes -
decided by the client, these are oriented toward a goal that the client wishes to achieve; they are not aiming for a specific or targeted solution; are present before deciding on action steps, and are documented in a narrative format with all of the S.M.A.R.T components.
Diminished Earnings Capacity (DEC) -
a determination reached after a VAC decision maker has determined, based on the evidence, that the Veteran is not expected to regain the capacity to engage in suitable gainful employment, with or without further rehabilitation. A DEC determination provides the Veteran access to certain financial benefits and may provide eligibility to the Veteran’s spouse/common-law partner for the Rehabilitation Program.
Disengagement -
the final step of the case management process. Ideally, this step occurs as the result of the Veteran and their family becoming better equipped to independently address needs and maintain their optimal level of functioning. This occurs when the Veteran's goals have been achieved and a plan to maintain well-being has been established. Alternatively, disengagement may occur and the Case Plan closed when a Veteran voluntarily chooses to leave the rehabilitation program and/or Case Management Services.
Gender Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) -
a tool to assess how different groups of women, men and gender-diverse people may experience policies, programs, and initiatives. The “plus” in GBA+ acknowledges that GBA goes beyond biological and socio-cultural differences. GBA+ considers many identity factors, like race, ethnicity, religion, age, and mental or physical ability.
Guided Support Program -
VAC is piloting a new type of support that pairs Veteran Service Agents with Veterans and their families to navigate through the VAC application process to help with the transition.
Intensity Factor Indicator (IFI) -
a tool based on a formula involving three (3) indicators: volume, intensity and complexity of each case. Each of these 3 indicators has their own weight which together generates an IFI score. The goal of the IFI is to help balance the caseloads of Case Managers. Veteran Service Team Managers can use the IFI scores to assess Case Manager workload and assign new files to Case Managers.
Policy on Results -
sets out the fundamental requirements for Canadian federal departmental accountability for performance information and evaluation, while highlighting the importance of results in management and expenditure decision making, as well as public reporting.
Regina Risk Indicator Tool (RRIT) –
a tool used on older Veterans, regardless of client type (War Service, Canada Armed Forces, RCMP), when they present with issues relating to managing independently in the community and to identify the need or potential need related to case management support.
Regina Risk Indicator Tool - Re-establishment (RRIT-R) –
a tool used for releasing or released CAF or the RCMP, as a means of predicting the Veteran’s potential risk of unsuccessful re-establishment to civilian life and the need or potential related to CM support.
Rehabilitation Program -
designed to support modern-day Veterans who are transitioning to civilian life. Through this Program, Veterans have access to rehabilitation services, as part of an individualized plan that can help restore their ability to function in their home, community and workplace by addressing health problems and resulting barriers to re-establishment. Based on need, the Case Manager, health care and other professionals will work with the Veteran to stabilize and improve their health and overall functioning to the fullest extent possible. Services are provided through a network of local medical and psycho-social rehabilitation providers and a national vocational rehabilitation provider.
Resource Section -
within the Case Plan, this allows for the documentation of approved internal/external resources that support the client’s Case Plan.
Transition Interview -
All releasing Canadian Armed Forces members, Regular, and Reserve Force, are entitled to a transition interview. During a transition interview, VAC provides information on programs and services available including support in determining rehabilitation needs, advice and guidance on disability applications, and referrals to service providers needed.
Veteran Service Team -
members include Veteran Service Team Managers (VSTM), Case Managers (CM), Veteran Service Agents (VSA) and Administrative Service Agents.
War Service Veteran -
someone who served in the First World War, Second World War or the Korean War. Also known as traditional Veterans.