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Peacekeeping - Internet Scavenger Hunt

Have you ever wondered about peacekeeping efforts in Canada or what the roles and responsibilities are of Canada's peacekeepers? Use the Internet resources below to answer the questions that follow. When you have finished, answer the BIG questions at the end!

When you have completed this scavenger hunt, you can use your answers to put information on your classroom Road to Peace. Don't forget to also print some photographs that you may find that you can cut out and stick on your Road to Peace as well.

  1. Thanks to Lester B. Pearson, a Canadian who would later become Canada's fourteenth Prime Minister, the term "peacekeepers" became well known around the world. In what year did the term peacekeepers come to exist in popular vocabulary? Check out paragraph two.
  2. Canadian Forces peacekeepers carry on Canada's legacy of peacemaking throughout the world. How do they contribute?
  3. What are the purposes and principles of the United Nations?
  4. What is the history of the United Nations?
  5. How many countries are involved in the United Nations?

Big Questions

In 2003, Elizabeth Miller wrote "Our Nation's Pride: Canada's Peacekeeping Efforts."

In her writing she states:

"When I think of Remembrance Day, I think of all the soldiers who have died, trying to keep the peace. It makes me think of all the soldiers who are trying right now to make peace between nations."

As a group, write down what you think of when you think of Remembrance Day and peacekeeping:

World War One, World War Two, and the Korean War showed that Canadians can always be counted on to fight for the peace and freedom of nations around the world. Since the end of the Korean War we have become used to the notion of Canadian soldiers serving around the world as peacekeepers. Since September 11, 2001, we have become even more familiar with them, as they have been trying to keep the peace in far away countries threatened by war.

You may wonder what YOU can do to help make Canada and the world a peaceful place to live. The United Nations encourages you to answer questions such as: What is peace to me? Is there peace in my life? Is there peace in my school? Is there peace in my family? Is there peace in my community? Where in my life would I like to see more peace? Brainstorm with your group to identify ways you can be more peaceful in your lives, in your school, and in your community.

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