Language selection


What’s in a Word?

Below is a list of words found in this year’s newspaper. Write the word that fits each clue in the blanks given. Then, use the letters in the squares to answer the question.

  • regiment
  • France
  • radio
  • military
  • mascot
  • lion

A group of soldiers [word used in Gandy’s story]

8 blanks with 5th and 6th blanks in squares

Defenders of our country [word used in Ellie’s story]

8 blanks with 5th and 6th blanks in squares

An animal that represents a military unit [word used in Win’s story]

6 blanks with 5th blank in a square

A tool used to talk to people far away [word used in Squeaker’s story]

5 blanks with 1st and 4th blanks in squares

A country where Canadians fought in war [word used in Bonfire Jr.’s story]

6 blanks with 3rd blank in a square

A big cat found on some cap badges [word used in Simone’s story]

4 blanks with 1st blank in a square


What do you call a special thing that helps us remember?

8 blanks
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