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Planning your trip

Travelling abroad can provide incredible opportunities to learn about Canadian and world history in the places important events actually happened. Navigating in a foreign country can be challenging, however, and requires a great deal of planning and research. While our employees are unable to provide trip planning assistance or advice on transportation, accommodations or other local attractions, the following resources may be of assistance:

Canadian memorials and cemeteries

Local attractions/events

It is important to be prepared and to expect the unexpected wherever in the world you may be. Visit this helpful Government of Canada site (Travel Abroad) for information on health and safety, travel documents, tips for travelling with children and more. Please note that the Government of Canada strongly recommends that Canadians travelling abroad register their travel plans through the Registration of Canadians Abroad service.


Veterans Affairs Canada does not control the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of materials produced by other organizations, nor does Veterans Affairs Canada endorse their views, products or services .

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