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256 results returned within location Hong Kong
Help From A Japanese Guard

Help From A Japanese Guard

Mr. White describes an amusing experience involving some local peddlers and a helpful Japanese guard.

A Close Call With Grenades

A Close Call With Grenades

Mr. White describes an amusing but frightening experience shortly after the surrender of Hong Kong.

We Started to Dig a Big Pit to Bury Them In

We Started to Dig a Big Pit to Bury Them In

Mr. White describes trying to evacuate and bury the dead from a bombed out residence, and being thwarted by a mortar attack.

My Introduction to War

My Introduction to War

Mr. White discusses Britain’s naive skepticism about Japan attacking Hong Kong. He describes confusion among the Canadian soldiers experiencing their first Japanese air raid.

They Were Dying Right and Left

They Were Dying Right and Left

Mr. MacWhirter describes life at Sham Shui Po camp. He discusses diseases and being intimidated by the Kamloops Kid.

Then They Started to get Tough

Then They Started to get Tough

Mr. MacWhirter describes the march to North Point camp and the bayoneting of the wounded. He also describes the murder of Chinese sympathizers as well as deteriorating conditions in the camp.

There was Blood Running in That Water

There was Blood Running in That Water

Mr. MacWhirter discusses the futility of the Canadian combat strategy and the human cost of poor communications after the call to surrender.

We Felt That we Would not be There Long

We Felt That we Would not be There Long

Mr. MacWhirter describes an attack on Kowloon, fallback to Lai Moon, and the invasion of the island by the Japanese. He discusses the inadequacy of Canadian weapons.

We Were Living Like Kings

We Were Living Like Kings

Mr. MacWhirter describes a soldier’s life in Kowloon and compares it with the squalor and misery of the local population.

We Didn’t Have any Tanks . . . Nothing!

We Didn’t Have any Tanks . . . Nothing!

Mr. Murphy discusses the inadequate training, weaponry and transportation experienced in Hong Kong

I had Never Heard Tell of Hong Kong.

I had Never Heard Tell of Hong Kong.

Mr. Murphy describes his voyage from Victoria, British Columbia, to the Hong Kong colony.

POW Living Conditions

POW Living Conditions

Mr. Lowe describes Sham Shui Po and compares it with his experiences at North Point, particularly burial detail and the Kai Tak labour gangs.

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