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329 results returned within occupation Pilot
Moving from Gatwick to Odiham

Moving from Gatwick to Odiham

Mr. Rohmer describes photographing the "noball" sites in France, and describes what "noball" sites were. He also recalls the movement of his squadron from Gatwick to Odiham.

Flying Operations

Flying Operations

Mr. Rohmer describes the kinds of operations that his squadron would fly into while in France during early 1944.

Flying a Mustang

Flying a Mustang

Mr. Rohmer experiences both Spitfires and Mustangs, and elects to join aerial reconnaissance in Mustangs. He describes the nature of their duties.

War - Not all Memories are Bad Ones

War - Not all Memories are Bad Ones

Mr. Chisholm recalls the best time he had during his wartime service.

Home to Canada in 1943

Home to Canada in 1943

Mr. Chisholm returned to Canada in May, 1943. He eventually found himself in Ottawa, unsure of what his future duties entailed.

Posted to Train New Pilots in Cairo

Posted to Train New Pilots in Cairo

Mr. Chisholm speaks of reaching his required 200 hours of operational flying and returning to Cairo to train new pilots.

Battle of El Alamein Begins

Battle of El Alamein Begins

Mr. Chisholm recalls the first night of the battle of El Alamein.

Tribute to the Work of the Royal Air Force Ground Crews

Tribute to the Work of the Royal Air Force Ground Crews

Mr. Chisholm pays tribute to the Royal Air Force ground crews who serviced the Squadron’s aircraft.

First Operational Sortie

First Operational Sortie

Mr. Chisholm describes the feelings he had as a young pilot heading out on his first operational sortie.

On to North Africa

On to North Africa

Mr. Chisholm was posted to the 92nd Operational Squadron, operating at that time out of Digby, Lincolnshire, England. His first posting with the Squadron was to Cairo, Egypt.

Posted to Great Britain

Posted to Great Britain

Mr. Chisholm speaks of his arrival in Britain and his first assignment overseas.

Getting Shot Down (Part 4 of 4)

Getting Shot Down (Part 4 of 4)

Mr. Weir remembers being picked up by the Germans and being treated in a German hospital.

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