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4 results returned
Manning Depot

Manning Depot

Mr. Finley describes his experience at Manning Depot shortly after enlisting and being accepted into the Air Force.

Introduction to Guard Duty

Introduction to Guard Duty

Mr. Finley describes his introduction to Guard Duty while still on the home front. He explains how his superior conveyed the importance of this task, though to a new recruit it might seem insignificant and unimportant.

First Encounter on Guard Duty

First Encounter on Guard Duty

Mr. Finley describes his encounter with an unidentified person while on guard duty late one night. He also provides an overview of guard duty protocol.

Low Flying Incident in Flight School

Low Flying Incident in Flight School

Mr. Finley tells about the time he decided to give a thrill to the students at his childhood school by touching down his plane on school property.

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