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A Spirit to Keep on Going

Heroes Remember

A Spirit to Keep on Going

When I came back home and I was living in Petawawa at the time, I always believed I wanted to be the same person that I was after injury as I was before injury. And that meant for me I was very athletic and did a lot of sports before so I wanted to do those sports after. I was only a month after being injured I still had open wounds and stuff but there was a chance to play hockey and I said you know what, I’m going to play hockey. I could barely move my knee and I couldn’t skate that well but just to be out there. My doctors didn’t really like it because it set me back physically but mentally it just propelled me into you know okay I can do this. Now I have an excuse not to get that backhand pass because of my vision but sport played a vital role. And then I really looked around. I looked at some of the heroes that I’ve always had growing up. You look at my brother who, he was injured in a parachute accident and he became a golf pro after and did a whole bunch of Iron Man Canada’s and he was doing a lot through sport. You look at Terry Fox and what he accomplished is incredible to run a marathon a day across the country. And then Rick Hansen. And these individuals have traumatic events happen to them and their lives have changed but they just kept on going and have that spirit to go through so, you know, I drew on that. I also drew on my experience from Vimy Ridge when I stayed in the military and you know what they would have went through if they were in a similar situation it would have been a lot worse and the medicine and everything we have now. For me I was motivated to keep on doing. I ran a marathon after. I ran a marathon before I was injured so I had to run one after. And I kept on playing sports, I played golf, I played hockey, I still ran. I did those kind of things which really, you know, if I had a challenging day I would go golfing or go for a run and just blow off that steam and do it. So it was very, it was before Soldier On or any of these programs existed so I kind of did it on my own.

Major Feyko provides a very inspirational message.

Jay Feyko

Mr. Jay Feyko was born April 25, 1973 in Windsor, Ontario. While attending Trenton University, unsure of his future, Mr. Feyko decided to join the military under a three year contract with the Canadian Forces. After having the opportunity to be honour guard in commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge, his inspiration for those who served before him led him to the decision to remain in the military. Joining as private under the 3rd Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment, Infantry Division, Mr. Feyko deployed to Afghanistan under Operation Roto O holding rank of platoon commander. He was medically discharge and rose to the rank of major. Deployment to Afghanistan resulted in a severe injury when he became wounded after a suicide bomber detonated the vehicle he was travelling in. Not allowing his injuries to change his lifestyle, Mr. Feyko carried on with his career, accepting a position as senior manager of Soldier On where he continues present day in supporting and assisting other Veterans with challenges in life. Mr. Feyko was medically discharged from the Canadian military in June 2016 and continues to advocate for the needs of his fellow comrades. Mr. Feyko now resides in Ottawa, Ontario with his wife and children.

Meta Data
Veterans Affairs Canada
September 29, 2017
Person Interviewed:
Jay Feyko
War, Conflict or Mission:
Canadian Armed Forces
3rd Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment
Platoon Commander

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