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End of Overseas Duty

Heroes Remember

End of Overseas Duty

I'd been there from the time I was 23 to 28, and yes I was happy but, it was a strange feeling, cause, it was a cultural shock to go from War time Europe to peace time Canada. The people home, you see, naturally were fed up with war and they just wanted to get on with things and we needed, we really needed to talk. I think it was too bad that now a days if people had gone through a bad experience they encourage them to talk and everything but we were not encouraged to talk. I said to my brother while I'm going to talk, and she says, oh no you won't, well, he and I used to go for long walks and talk, but every time I'd open my mouth about something that happened overseas, they'd say, you wrote about that, we heard about that in your letters, ya know. Interviewer: So it made you feel that you had to keep all your experiences inside? Well even to this day, recently on November the 11th, or there abouts, I was at this group of people and low and behold one of the other girls had been in... in a different unit altogether, I mean she was with girls, I don't know, women's corp and we'd both been overseas but nobody wanted us to talk about it. They wanted to tell their own things of the war. (Right) And about people they known, who had died or who had done this or that. And to this day I think people do not want to hear Veterans talk about their own experiences.

Ms. Rogers recalls the end of her overseas service and is asked if she was happy to be coming back home to Canada.

Ruby Rogers

Ruby Rogers was born in 1917 in Cherrywood, Ontario. At a young age, she moved to Agincourt. When she was 19 years old, she went into training to be a nurse at Toronto General Hospital. Shortly after the Second World War began, she enlisted with the Canadian Army and was sent to England.

Meta Data
Veterans Affairs Canada
Person Interviewed:
Ruby Rogers
War, Conflict or Mission:
Second World War

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