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Becoming an Officer

Heroes Remember

I was up for an officer’s, to become an officer, and I think there’s three different phases of it, you know. Before you... three officers here, two or three here and then you go up before group captain. And when the group captain says, “Now, when you have spare time, what do you do?” And I think I, all my life, I just tell the truth. “Oh, if I had spare time I’d go over to the canteen and meet the guys and have a couple of drinks.” And the report came back that I was immature. And I guess it could have been Les Waterfield - he’s gonna be here - the captain of the crew might have put my name in to become an officer. And he wanted to know what happened. And when I told him that, he said, “You should never have done, you should have told them you read books and you did all kinds of things but not go to the canteen.” But, anyway, that’s funny! Interviewer: You’re too honest. I don’t think I wanted to be an officer, anyway.

Mr. Goettler talks about being recommended to become an officer.

George Angus Goettler

George Angus Goettler was born in Palmerston, Ontario on October 23rd in 1923. Mr. Goettler’s father had a grocery store where he, his two brothers and his sister worked. He had a second sister who died at a young age. Mr. Goettler served as a wireless operator, radar operator and tail gunner with the 160 Squadron. After completing their tour, Mr. Goettler’s crew was put on a rest tour where they tested aircrafts. After the war, Mr. Goettler returned to the grocery business, running his own store in Palmerston, Ontario.

Meta Data
Veterans Affairs Canada
Person Interviewed:
George Angus Goettler
War, Conflict or Mission:
Second World War
Southeast Asia
Air Force
160 Squadron
Wireless Operator, Radar Operator, Tail Gunner

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