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Protecting the ship

Heroes Remember

Seeing that I was on light anti-craft, light anti-aircraft guns that we took our training on and when we went over on the ship they put us on duty on the guns to protect them from the air. And the anti-aircraft, while we were trained in Halifax on the 40 40 mm Bofors, (ack-ack guns), and on the ship they gave us, I think they were 20 calibers, the machine guns. They strap you in and that’s where you stayed until you got relieved. The only thing I remember is one night we had a sort of a raid with the German aircraft coming down on the ships, but they didn’t get to close to ours but mostly on the convoy they generally have those balloons up in the air. I forgot what they call them. Barrage balloons, that’s what they are, yeah. And so the aircraft didn’t come too low, but they were up pretty high. But that would last maybe a couple hours and that was it.

Mr. Taylor describes how he was given the role of anti-aircraft gunner while aboard ship.

Edward P. Taylor

Edward P. Taylor, the twelfth of fifteen children, was born in Sturgeon Falls, Ontario on September 9, 1923. His father managed a paper mill and was therefore unable to enlist. However Edward, very aware of the situation in Europe, enlisted in the Army in Toronto at age nineteen, two years after being rejected by the Navy because of his age. Mr. Taylor served as radio operator with the Royal 22nd Regiment in Italy and he later redeployed to Northern Europe, where he spent time with the Army of Occupation. He served as a radio operator once more during the Korean War. Choosing to remain in the armed forces, Mr. Taylor also completed two tours of duty with NATO in Germany.

Meta Data
Veterans Affairs Canada
Person Interviewed:
Edward P. Taylor
War, Conflict or Mission:
Second World War
Royal Canadian Artillery

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