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Mémorial du soldat Harry Brown, VC

Hidden photo gallery

Ville/Province : Omemee, ON

Numéro du monument : 35093-006

Type : Dalle

Adresse : 1, rue King Ouest

Lieu : Parc du cénotaphe d'Omemee

Coordonnées GPS : Lat: 44.2992251   Long: 78.5599034

Soumis par : Bob Braley

Ce monument commémoratif rend hommage au soldat Harry Brown, récipiendaire de la Croix de Victoria de la Première Guerre mondiale

Inscription sur le mémorial

Pte. Harry Brown V.C.
10th batt. C.E.F.
May 11, 1898 - Aug. 16, 1917

"For most conspicuous bravery, courage and
devotion to duty. After the capture of a position,
the enemy massed in force and counter attacked.
The situation became very critical, all wires
being cut. It was of the utmost importance to get
word back to Headquarters. This soldier and one
other were given the message with orders to
deliver the same at all costs. The other
messenger was killed. Private Brown had his arm
shattered but continued on through an intense
barrage until he arrived at the close support
lines and found an officer. He was so spent that
he fell down the dug-out steps, but retained
consciousness long enough to hand over his
message, saying 'important message.' He then
became unconscious and died in the dressing
station a few hours later. His devotion to duty
was of the highest possible degree imaginable,
and his successful delivery of the message
undoubtedly saved the loss of the position for
the time and prevented many casualties."

Vue sur la rue

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