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Afghanistan LAV III Memorial at CFB Shilo

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  • Afghanistan LAV III Memorial
    (Click for more images)
  • LAV III Stone Cairn

Municipality/Province: Shilo, MB

Memorial number: 46001-068

Type: LAV III Afghanistan

Address: Canoe River Memorial

Location: Canadian Forces Base

GPS coordinates: Lat: 49.8048   Long: -99.6427

Submitted by: Kimberley Walker

Refurbished Light Armoured Vehicle (LAV) III mounted on a cement pad, lighted and with an adjoining stone cairn commemorating all those who served in Afghanistan.

Inscription found on memorial

In recogition and memory of the efforts of approximately

40,000 Canadian Armed Forces personnel who served and

the 162 Canadians who died in the cause of bringing peace

and freedom to the people of Afghanistan

2001 - 2014 

Erected here on the 26th day of June 2018 by the Shilo & Region Service Club in honour of their 50th anniversary on behalf of a grateful community "at the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them"


Street view


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