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Pember John Casselman Memorial

Hidden photo gallery

Municipality/Province: Morewood, ON

Memorial number: 35083-096

Type: Pillar

Address: Main and Mill Streets

GPS coordinates: Lat: 45.1774752   Long: -75.2853547

Submitted by: Morewood Cenotaph Committee

The Morewood Cenotaph Committee honored their fallen on the 100th anniversary of the original unveiling of the cenotaph - July 6, 2021, by installing 21 mini-monuments - ten along each side - one for each of those who had given their lives, and one by itself at the back representing all who returned. A portrait of Pember John Casselman is etched into his memorial. He had brown hair, blue eyes and was 5 foot, 6 inches in height. His occupation prior to the war was listed as Farmer. 

Pember embarked on 25 October 1916, arrived in England 31 October. While serving with the 4th Canadian Field Artillery, he was wounded in the left arm and head. Pember had tonsillitis and contracted diphtheria in France in October 1917 and was released back to service in April 1918. He was wounded in his face, right arm and right leg, broke his left tibia and died from his wounds on 28 May 1918.

The 20 pillars representing individual soldiers are in alphabetic order. The 21st pillar sits in the shadow of the cenotaph and between the two rows.

Inscription found on memorial

Born/Né 14-12-1897
633591 Pte./Sdt.
154 Bn, 156 BN, 21 Bn.

Killed/tué 28-05-1915, age 20
died from muliple wounds/
mort de blessures multiples.
18-08-1917 - Hill/Cote 70,
mutiple wounds/blessures multiples
Diphteria/diphtérie until/jusqu'a
Will was witnessed by/Testament
attesté par Capt. E.J. Glasgow
Cimetière communal de Doullens
Communal Cemetery Extension,
Annexe No. 2

Street view


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