One less recognized art form is the poster. The First World War, with all the urgent needs it created, led to the development of this art form, which also served as a promotional tool. Here are a few examples of the impressive panoply of posters created in Canada during this period.
The Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation, CMCC
The primary purpose of most of the war posters produced in Canada was recruitment. Upon closer examination, it is evident that the messages were crafted to attract the interest of very specific groups of the population. (Canadiens-français, Enrôlez-vous! Arthur H. Hider. Canadian War Museum.)
(Attendrons-nous que les nôtres brûlent? T.W.H. Howell. Canadian War Museum.)
(British Blood Calls British Blood! Canadian War Museum.)
(230ième Voltigeurs, Canadiens-français, aux armes! Library and Archives Canada.)
(The Empire Needs Men! Canadian War Museum.)
Canadiens-français, venez avec nous dans le 150ième Bataillon CMR. Canadian War Museum.)
(Artillery Heroes at the Front Say "Get Into a Man's Uniform". Library and Archives Canada.)
(Les héros de St-Julien et de Festubert. Canadian War Museum.)
(Canadian Mounted Rifles – Quick Service Overseas. Library and Archives Canada.)
(Le 178ième Bataillon canadien-français des Cantons de l'Est. Library and Archives Canada.)
(Go! It's your duty lad. Join to-day. Library and Archives Canada.)
(Enlist! New names in Canadian history. More are coming. Will you be there? Library and Archives Canada.)
Some posters served the purpose of urging civilians to support the war effort by reducing waste at home and producing more goods for the men overseas. The next few posters were published by the Canada Food Board, an organization founded in 1918 with the goal of encouraging food production and discouraging the hoarding of food products in Canada.(Waste Not – Want Not. Prepare for Winter. Canada Food Board.)
(Canada's Pork Opportunity.)
(Canada's Beef Opportunity. Canada Food Board.)
(Buy Fresh Fish – Save the Meat. Canada Food Board.)
Another type of war poster existed for the sole purpose of bringing civilian money to the war effort by promoting the sale of Victory Bonds. These were similar in essence to what we now call Canada Savings Bonds except for the fact that all funds collected were meant strictly for the war effort instead of all the country's affairs. (Back Him Up! Buy Victory Bonds. Canadian War Museum.)
Keep all Canadians Busy - Buy 1918 Victory Bonds. Canadian War Museum.)
(Buy Victory Bonds. They serve France. How can I serve Canada? The Brown Brothers Ltd. Canadian War Museum.)
(The Empire Needs Men – Answer the Call. C.J. Patterson. Library and Archives Canada.)