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4751 results returned
Air Cover at Dieppe

Air Cover at Dieppe

Mr. Warren discusses the air battle over Dieppe, and the deterrent effect of Allied fighters. He goes on to cite the number of aircraft lost, and explains the discrepancy between claimed and verified German losses on that day.

Royal Regiment Honoured at Dieppe

Royal Regiment Honoured at Dieppe

Mr. Walsh discusses why the Royal Regiment of Canada, with two other regiments, was selected to clear Dieppe based on the fact that it was decimated during the original Dieppe raid.

Witnessing an Absolute Massacre

Witnessing an Absolute Massacre

Mr. Poolton speaks about the battle of Dieppe - snipers shooting, men on fire and orders given to surrender!

He Laid Down And Died

He Laid Down And Died

Mr. Ferguson gives a touching description of the destitution and starvation among the children, one of whom touched him personally.

Remembrance Vignette

Remembrance Vignette

Veterans Affairs Canada Advertisements

I Am A Veteran

I Am A Veteran

Veterans Affairs Canada Advertisement

Halifax Seaport Farmers’ Market Flash Mob

Halifax Seaport Farmers’ Market Flash Mob

Halifax Remembrance Flash Mob




Motivation to Do Well

Motivation to Do Well

Having enlisted for the Korean War, Mr. Patrick remembers the displeasure from his father about his decision and how this gave him motivation to do well.

First Night in Sarajevo

First Night in Sarajevo

Mr. MacDonald speaks about the explosion and sights of tracer fire that rained down upon them the first night in Sarajevo, witnessing the aftermath of destruction, and dead bodies around the city the next morning.

Liberation of the Netherlands

Liberation of the Netherlands


Camps in Germany

Camps in Germany

Mr. Colbourne talks about guarding a camp in Germany and how difficult it was to see how the people had been treated.

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