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Buffalo Park

Hidden photo gallery

  • Buffalo Park cairn and propeller.
    (Click for more images)
  • Obelisk and propeller
  • In Memory Plaque
  • Buffalo Park plaque
  • Garden of Remembrance
  • Garden of Remembrance plaque

Municipality/Province: Calgary, AB

Memorial number: 48008-022

Type: Park, obelisk, propeller, plaques, garden

Address: Dallaire Aveneu SW, Forand Street SW, Mclean Avenue SW, and Joseph Marquis Crescent SW

GPS coordinates: Lat: 51.0026813   Long: -114.1220051

Submitted by: Alfred Zangao. Peacekeeper Park Committee.

Buffalo Park is named in honour of the nine Canadian Forces members killed in a Buffalo aircraft over Syria in 1974. This 1.3 acre park consists of a Buffalo propeller as an integral part of the monument, an obelisk, commemorative plaques, a garden of remembrance and a play area. It was completed in 2005 and opened in 2006. The Canadian Association of Veterans in United Nations Peacekeeping, Calgary chapter, provided guidance and input for the park design. The Garden of Remembrance was created in 2005, commissioned by Veterans Affairs Canada.

In late 1973, Canadian Forces took part in the Second United Nations Emergency Force, to supervise the ceasefire between Egyptian and Israeli forces. Included in Canada's commitment to the mission were two Canadian Forces Buffalo aircrafts and crew. The unit was stationed in Ismailia, Egypt, a small city next to the Suez Canal.

The single highest loss of Canadian lives since Canada began to participate in international peace missions involved their presence in Syria. Nine Canadian Armed Forces members with the United Nations peace mission in Egypt were killed on August 9, 1974, when their Buffalo aircraft 115461 was shot down in a Syrian missile attack while making a routine supply run to the mission in the Golan Heights. For this reason, August 9 has been declared National Peacekeepers' Day in Canada.

Inscription found on memorial

[obelisk at entrance/obélisque à l`entrée ]

The crew of the Buffalo aircraft number 115461 who gave their lives in the service of peace on August 9, 1974 were:
Captain G.G. Foster, CD (Pilot) 116 ATU
Captain K.B. Mirau (Pilot) 116 ATU
Captain R.B. Wicks, CD, 116 ATU
Master Coporal R.C. Spencer (Flight Engineer) 116 ATU
Corporal M.W. Simpson 116 ATU
Corporal B.K. Stringer (Traffice technician) 116 ATU
Corporal M.H.T. Kennington (Steward)
Master Warrant Officer, C.B. Korejwo, CD, Royal Canadian Regiment
Master Warrant Officer G.Landry, CD, Royal 22nd Regiment

In memory of this incident, and in recognition of the service and sacrifice by all Canadian peacekeepers around
the world, the Province of Alberta and the City of Calgary have proclaimed August 9 as Peacekeepers' Day.

le 9 août 1974, neuf membres de l'équipage du Buffalo numéro 115461 ont donné leur vie au service de la paix :
Capitaine G.G. Foster, CD (Pilote) 116e UTA
Capitaine K.B. Mirau (Pilote) 116e UTA
Capitaine R.B. Wicks, CD, 116e UTA
Caporal chef R.C. Spencer (Mécanicien de bord) 116e UTA
Caporal M.W. Simpson 116e UTA
Caporal B.K. Stringer (Technicien des mouvements) 116e UTA
Caporal M.H.T. Kennington (Steward)
Adjudant maître, C.B. Korejwo, CD, Royal Canadian Regiment
Adjudant maître G.Landry, CD, Royal 22e Régiment

En souvenir de cet incident et en reconnaissance des services et des sacrifice de tous les Casques
bleus canadiens dans le monde entier, la province de l'Alberta et la Ville de Calgary ont proclamé le 9 août la journée
à la mémoire des soldats du maintien de la paix.

Canada's Peacekeeping Heroes
Les héros canadiens du maintien de la paix

Canada Lands Company Limited
Société immobilière du Canada limitée


On August 9, 1974, Buffalo aircraft number 115461 commenced a routine United Nations flight from Beirut to
Damascus. On board were nine Canadians, including the flight commander, Captain Garry Foster of Calgary.
The aircraft was one of two Buffalos assigned to the Second United Nations Emergency Force (UNEFII),
which supervised the cease-fire between Egyptian and Israeli forces following the October 1973 war, and
continued its peacekeeping mission in the Sinai peninsula until 1979. The Buffalos and their crews were
stationed out of Ismailia, Egypt, a small city on the Suez Canal. They experienced a demanding flying
schedule, unpredictable weather and the inherent dangers of flying in a semi-hostile region.

As it climbed above the Lebanese highlands and neared the Syrian village of Diemas, the Buffalo evidently
appeared on Syrian radar. Several surface-to-air missiles were launched, one of which destroyed the aircraft,
killing everyone on board. It was the most tragic loss of Canadian peacekeepers that can be attributed to
one incident. This park is dedicated in their memory.


Le 9 août 1974, l'avion Buffalo numéro 115461 effectuait un vol de routine de Beyrouth à Damas avec neuf
Canadiens à bord, dont le commandant d'escadrille, le Capitaine Garry Foster de Calgary. Il s'agissait d'un
des deux avions Buffalo des Forces canadiennes affectés à la Force d'urgence des Nations Unies (FUNUII)
chargée de surveiller le cessez-le-feu entre l'Égypte et Israël après la guerre d'octobre 1973 et dont la
mission a ensuite consisté à maintenir la paix dans la péninsule du Sinaï jusqu'en 1979. Basés à Ismaïlia,
une petite égyptienne proche du canal de Suez, les équipages des avions Buffalo devaient faire face à
d'exigeants horaires de voi, à des conditions de météo imprévisibles et aux dangers inhérents à l'aviation
en secteur semi-hostile.

Alors que le Buffalo gagnait de l'altitude au dessus des hautes terres du Liban et qu'il approchait du village
syrien de Diemas, il a été suivi par les radar syriens. Plusieurs tir de missiles sol-air ont on alors été
effectués, détruisant l'avion et provoquant la mort de l'équipage. Il s'agit de la plus importante perte de
Casques bleus canadiens attribuable à un seul incident. Ce parc est dédié à leur mémoire.

Canada's Peacekeeping Heroes
Les héros canadiens du maintien de la paix

Canada Lands Company Limited
Société immobilière du Canada limitée



This garden was first planted in 2005 to commemorate the service and sacrifices of
Canada's veterans. It features the Canada Remembers logo of two red poppies
intertwined with a gold maple leaf. The poppy in the foreground represents those
Canadians who have served their country during military conflicts and peacekeeping
missions, while the poppy in the background represents those who have played a
vital role by service in Canada at home. The intertwining of all three elements
symbolizes the unity and strength that Canadians have developed as a result of our
veterans' sacrifices in times of war and peace.


En 2005, ce jardin a été créé pour commémorer le service et les sacrifices des
militaires canadines. Le jardin ilustre le logo Le Canada se souvient formé de
deux coquelicots entrelacés et d'une feuille d'érable dorée. En avant plane, un
coquelicot représente les Canadiens qui ont servi leur pays durant les conflits armés
et les missions de maintien de la paix, et le coquelicot en arrière plan représente
les militaires qui ont joué un rôle vital au Canada. Les trois éléments entrelacés
symbolisent l'unité et la force des Canadiens et Canadiennes, suite aux sacrifices
des anciens combattants en période de guerre et de paix.

Street view


This information is provided by contributors and Veterans Affairs Canada makes it available as a service to the public. Veterans Affairs Canada is not responsible for the accuracy, currency or reliability of the information.

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