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Captain MacDowell and Private Nunney Plaque

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Municipality/Province: Ottawa, ON

Memorial number: 35059-103

Type: Plaque

Address: 2 Queen Elizabeth Drive

Location: Cartier Square Drill Hall, in the Governor General's Foot Guards Regimental Museum

GPS coordinates: Lat: 45.4219353   Long: -75.6886021

Submitted by: Clive Law. Richard Turcotte

This memorial plaque erected by the Department of National Defence of Canada is dedicated in honour and memory of Captain Thain Wendell MacDowell and Private Claude Joseph Patrick Nunney, two members of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, who were awarded the Victoria Cross. The plaque was unveiled in 2002.

Inscription found on memorial


[left column/colonne de gauche]

In Honour and memory of those members of the
38th Canadian Infantry Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary force,
who were awarded the Victoria Cross.

Captain Thain Wendell MacDowell, VC, DSO

Awarded for most conspicuous bravery and indomitable resolution in the face of
heavy machine-gun and shell fire on 9 April 1917 at Vimy Ridge, France. By his
initiative and courage, he succeeded in rounding up a very strong enemy machine-
gun post which captured two machine-guns, two officers and seventy-five men. In
spite of heavy shell fire and being wounded in the hand, he continued for five days
to hold the position gained until eventually relieved by his battalion.

Private Claude Joseph Patrick Nunney, VC, DCM, MM

Awarded for most conspicuous bravery during the operations against the Drocourt-
Quéant line on 1-2 September 1918. When in the vicinity of Vis-en-Artois,
preparatory to the battalion's advance, the enemy laid down a heavy barrage and
counter-attacked. Over a two day period, Private Nunney, who was part of company
headquarters, on his own initiative proceeded through the barrage to the company
outpost lines, going form post to post encouraging the men by his own fearless
example. He displayed throughout the highest degree of valour until severely


[right column/colonne de droite]

En l`honneur et à la mémoire des membres du
38th Canadian Infantry Battalion, Corps expéditionnaire canadien,
à qui l`on a décerné la Croix de Victoria.

Capitaine Thain Wendell MacDowell, VC, DSO

Décernée pour la bravoure la plus remarquable et pour la fermeté et la ténacité dont il
fit preuve lorsqu`il fut confronté à un feu nourri de mitrailleuses et à un bombardement
intensif à la crête de Vimy, en France, le 9 avril 1917. par son initiative et son courage,
Il réussit à s`emparer d`un puissant nid de mitrailleuses ennemi, capturant deux
mitrailleuses, deux officiers et soixante-quinze hommes. Durant cinq jours, malgré un
bombardement intensif et une blessure à la main, il réussit à tenir la position enlevée,
jusqu`à ce qu`il soit relevé par son bataillon.

Soldat Claude Joseph Patrick Nunney, VC, DCM, MM

Décernée pour la bravoure la plus remarquable lors des opérations contre la ligne de
Drocourt-Quéant, les 1er et 2 septembre 1918. À proximité de Vis-en Artois, alors que
le bataillon se préparait à avancer, l`ennemi déclencha un lourd barrage d`artillerie et
une contre-attaque. Durant une période de deux jours, le soldat Nunney, qui faisait
alors parti du quartier général de compagnie, de son propre chef, traversa à maintes
reprises le barrage jusqu`aux avant-postes de compagnie, encourageant les hommes
par son intrépidité. Tout au long, il démontra le plus haut degré de bravoure, jusqu`à ce
qu`il soit gravement blessé.


[buttom - left/en bas - à gauche]

National Defence
Défense nationale

[buttom - centre/en bas - au centre]

(Crest of Ottawa 38 Overseas Battalion Canada)


[buttom - right/en bas - à droite]


Street view


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