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A Male Dominant Culture

Heroes Remember

A Male Dominant Culture

One of the things are, it’s a very male dominating culture there, and that was the first night when I arrived there they took me downtown. Well, the second night they took me downtown after we arrived because we arrived at 5 o’clock their time, and then we did our own routine. But then the next night to get a sense of what the scene was, and when you went downtown it was really different because it was all male society and all you could see whenever you see any women, they would have their veil on their eyes and all you would see was these beautiful eyes and everything like that and they would be well decorated with makeup or whatever but that was it. And they were all, all their women were like more herded around or something like that and they were always following males or whatever the case may be but they were never, you know, unveiled. So, and that was the other thing, if any of the females that we were with would always have to travel with two or three men of are, you know, if they were in the military when we went downtown. So that was another thing but when you’ve seen it it was like, it was very different to see the dominating side of a culture that is more male dominated. They’d be seen, you would see them and there would be men greeting each other and they’d be kissing each other okay but it’s not, it wasn’t a sexual thing, it was a greeting, the way they greeted. Or they would be walking up the street holding hands, but it wasn’t as in, I guess a boyfriend type of thing, it would be like just the way they were. And that’s just the way their culture was.

Mr. Hynes expresses his personal views on how he saw the culture portrayed during his time in Qatar.

Gerald Hynes

Mr. Gerald “Jerry” Hynes was born October 6, 1963 in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Following in his father’s footsteps, Mr. Hynes decided to join the navy and take on the trade of cook. Spending 27 years in the military, Mr. Hynes lived in Germany with his family and during this time in service, was provided an opportunity to join the contingent going to Persian Gulf War. Mr. Hynes expresses his pride for the service he gave to our Country, now retired from the military he resides in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Meta Data
Veterans Affairs Canada
February 27, 2016
Person Interviewed:
Gerald Hynes
War, Conflict or Mission:
Canadian Armed Forces
Persian Gulf
Gulf War

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