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Duties of the UN

Heroes Remember

We used to go, what we used to call a city infrastructure when in Sarajevo. We used to drive down to Sarajevo and we used to have a translator with us and what it was, some of our duties were helping the population, the workers to get power back into their homes. So we had to be there as security when they’d be climbing telephone poles to hook the wire, make sure no snipers are firing at them. And there was many a days we were brought into private homes by people calling us off the street and sharing a coffee with us and telling us, “Look I’ve never slept so good since the UN was in the city because we’re not being shelled anymore and things like that.” So it made you feel, it gave you some sort of reward. And say, “Hey damn I’m doing good here after all.”

Mr. Wiseman describes the responsibility and the value of the UN presence in Bosnia.

Robert Wiseman

Mr. Robert Wiseman was born October 9, 1953 in Bathurst, New Brunswick. With his father being a Veteran, and his five other brothers joining up, Mr. Wiseman made this the reason for joining the service. In 1974, fresh out of high school, Mr. Wiseman travelled to CFB Cornwallis Recruitment Camp receiving 11 weeks of training then to CFB Gagetown for advanced training as a combat soldier. Mr. Wiseman joined the army experiencing one tour to Cyprus and later in his career travelled to Bosnia holding the rank of Warrant Officer. His service in Bosnia provided humanitarian support to the Bosnian people after the Srebrenica massacre where many people were killed. After discharging from the army, Mr. Wiseman returned to Fredericton.

Meta Data
Veterans Affairs Canada
Person Interviewed:
Robert Wiseman
War, Conflict or Mission:
Canadian Armed Forces
Warrant Officer

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