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( Music starts playing )

It has been raining all day.

Torrents of water and mud are running down the roads and the fields,
and the country in general is one mass of mud.

These trenches were about half caved in with the amount of rain there.

So they were ditches full of mud, instead of a trench. I couldn't feel anything.

I was shivering wet, soaking wet, and miserable.

The Memorial stands on Hill 145 on Vimy Ridge: the primary
objective of the Canadians on April 9, 1917.

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It has been raining all day.

Torrents of water and mud are running down the roads and the fields,
and the country in general is one mass of mud.

These trenches were about half caved in with the amount of rain there.

So they were ditches full of mud, instead of a trench. I couldn't feel anything.

I was shivering wet, soaking wet, and miserable.