Tales of Animals in War - 2014 Edition
Hats Off to Remembrance
Hey everybody!
“My Remembrance Clubhouse animal friends and I are back in Ottawa for a very special reason,” barked Gandy the dog. “This year, the National War Memorial is being rededicated to the memory of Canadians who fought for our country in every conflict!”
“The First World War began exactly 100 years ago. More than 650,000 men and women from our country served during the four terrible years of fighting. The Second World War started 75 years ago and over one million Canadians served in the conflict before it ended in 1945. The Korean War was fought from 1950 to 1953 and another 26,000 Canadians volunteered. The dates of these wars are already engraved on the memorial,” squeaked Squeaker the pigeon. “We have animal relatives that served in wars and we think about them when we remember and honour these brave humans.”
“Many Canadians have continued to serve in the cause of peace and freedom in places like Egypt, Cyprus and Afghanistan. Now, the monument will be dedicated to remembering these modern-day efforts as well,” added Win the bear.
“Yes, for sure!” trumpeted Ellie the elephant. “This is a special memorial to ensure that the stories and sacrifices of those who served aren’t forgotten. But there are other ways to remember too.”
“Absolutely!” meowed Simone the cat. “For example, did you know that in the First World War, Canadian soldiers wore caps that had different badges to identify their units? And what’s even cooler, those badges often had animal symbols—porcupines, beavers, horses, eagles, fish, moose . . . even mythical animals like unicorns and dragons.”
“There are many ways to remember those who served, especially the beautiful red poppies that people wear over their hearts,” whinnied Bonfire Jr. the horse. “But what about also making a Remembrance badge sort of like the badges Canadians have worn on their caps? You could design one and attach it to your shirt, coat or hat.”
“This year we decided to make Remembrance lids to honour all Canadians who served,” woofed Gandy. “We proudly wear our hats with our cool Remembrance badges. However, we will not forget to take them off during Remembrance ceremonies, as a sign of respect.”
Hey, why don’t you design a Remembrance badge for yourself, or for your class, family or community? It will be your personal way of showing that you remember all those who serve—so make sure it fits!

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