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Sittard War Cemetery

Cemetery Plan - Sittard War Cemetery

Cemetery Plan - Sittard War Cemetery

Sittard lies on the main road from Maastricht to Roemond 19 km north east of Maastricht and 29 km south west of Roemond.From Maastricht the E25 leads for 22 km north east towards Lindelheuvel. From Lindelheuvel lies the right hand turning towards Sittard (5 Km). The cemetery is located approximately 1500 metres from the town centre, on a road called Kromstraat, a road leading from the Rijksweg Zuid. The cemetery can also be reached from a road leading from the N276 at the junction of the road running between Sittard and Geleen. At this junction follow the direction towards Sittard itself. Alternatively approaching from the centre of Sittard follow the road towards Geleen. The cemetery is signposted thereafter.
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