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Woods Cemetery

Cemetery Plan - Woods Cemetery

Cemetery Plan - Woods Cemetery

WOODS CEMETERY is located 4 Km south east of Ieper town centre, on the Verbrandemolenstraat a road leading from the Komenseweg, connecting Ieper to Komen (N336).

From Ieper town centre the Komenseweg is located via the Rijselsestraat, through the Rijselpoort (Lille Gate) and crossing the Ieper ring road, towards Armentieres and Lille. The road name then changes to Rijselseweg. 1 Km along the Rijselseweg lies the left hand turning onto Komenseweg.

2.5 Km along the Komenseweg lies the right hand turning onto the Vaartstraat. 900 metres along the Vaartstraat lies the left hand turning onto the Verbrandemolenstraat. 400 metres along the Verbrandemolenstraat a short distance from the road is the WOODS CEMETERY.

Visitors to this site should note the 100 metre grassed access path leading to the cemetery which is not accessable by vehicle.

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