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The Italian Campaign

The Italian Campaign was an important military effort for Canada during the Second World War. More than 93,000 Canadians, along with their allies from Great Britain, France and the United States, played a vital role. As they pushed from the south to the north of Italy over a 20-month period, Canadians faced difficult battles against some of the German army's best troops. Canadian casualties in the Italian Campaign totalled more than 26,000, nearly 6,000 of which were fatal.


Inspected by King George

Mr. Johnson shares a personal story of preparing for inspection from the King with orders given to make the tank spotless in anticipation of his arrival.

Winter Conditions in the Field Hospital

Ms. Carter describes the field hospital in Trani, Italy and what conditions were like in the winter.

They were marvelous patients.

Ms. Whittaker describes the very modest hospital where she worked in Caserta, Italy. She observes that despite having very little with which to treat the wounded, they were brave men and wonderful patients.

The Attack on Italy

Mr. Clavel describes the Royal 22nd Regiment’s uneventful landing in Messina, Italy and advancing unopposed on Italian positions. He expresses surprise at the wholesale surrender of the Italian forces.

39 Days in Sicily

According to Mr. McInnis, had it not been for terrain, the Sicilian campaign would have been relatively easy. Little did he know, he would later get a special medal for his work there, helping to liberate the town of Agira.

Baptism of Fire in Italy

Mr. Finestone describes his baptism by fire and the very difficult fighting in Italy. He tells of how the Germans were well prepared and did not make any mistakes.


Mr. Dowie describes a tactical system they learned while in Ortona which was called "mouse-holing".

Not a Merry Christmas

Mr White recalls one particularly sad Christmas. One he'll never forget.

Watch the featured video “Heroes Remember presents the Italian Campaign”
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