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Korean War


He Laid Down And Died

Mr. Ferguson gives a touching description of the destitution and starvation among the children, one of whom touched him personally.

Motivation to Do Well

Having enlisted for the Korean War, Mr. Patrick remembers the displeasure from his father about his decision and how this gave him motivation to do well.

Proud to be a Veteran

Mr. Flett reflects on Canada and Remembrance Day.

Aspects of Trench Life

Mr. McKinney describes Korea as being like World War One because it was trench warfare. He goes on to discuss what it was like in the bunkers – excessive heat or rain, rodents and fickle stoves.

To The Hills Near Kapyong

In April 1951, the PPCLI Battalion moves to the hills near Kapyong. Mr. Nickerson re-constructs the first contact with the enemy there.

Korea's No Man's Land

Mr. Niles describes patrolling in No-Man’s Land, the skill of the North Korean foe, and tempting fate.

Fighting For and Losing Friends

Mr. Gowing describes how the largest motivation on the front line was to protect your friends and comrades, who were doing the same for you. He then describes how hard it was to see friends die.

Haven't You Ever Seen A Man Die Before?

Mr. Reitsma recalls coming upon a dying soldier who had been 'stitched' with bullets.

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