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2919 results returned within branch Army
The Bond of Friendship Lives on Forever

The Bond of Friendship Lives on Forever

Mr. Lord shares his experiences in connecting with fellow soldiers and the special friendship that remains for a lifetime.

A Different Type of Fear

A Different Type of Fear

Mr. Lord expresses the sense of fear that prevails in the midst of operations within and outside the camp.

A Typical Day Inside the Camp

A Typical Day Inside the Camp

Mr. Lord provides detail as to how he and his comrades spent their day inside the camp while on and off duty.

A Challenge and an Opportunity

A Challenge and an Opportunity

Being part of the Royal 22nd Regiment, Mr. Lord expressed the challenges faced as part of this unit along with the positive aspects of belonging.

Communication Field as a Reservist

Communication Field as a Reservist

Mr. Lord speaks about his opportunity to join the reserves and discusses his training.

Reserves Vs. Regular Force

Reserves Vs. Regular Force

Mr. Hickey provides a strong comparison between the two types of service within the Canadian military.

November 11th for us is Everyday

November 11th for us is Everyday

Mr. Drapeau shares his thoughts on Remembrance Day.

Eye Opening Experiences

Eye Opening Experiences

Mr. Drapeau tells of his experiences during service time and the feelings of helplessness that occurred.

My Dog Makes a Huge Difference in my Life

My Dog Makes a Huge Difference in my Life

With Kenya by his side, Mr. Drapeau shares his story of how having the company of a dog has changed his life.

Best Aspects of Time in Cyprus

Best Aspects of Time in Cyprus

Mr. Drapeau shares his story of timeless friendships and the importance of not judging others.

Understanding the Rules of Engagement

Understanding the Rules of Engagement

Mr. Drapeau provides a great understanding of the rules of engagement and importance of making the right decision.

Breaking the Wall Against PTSD

Breaking the Wall Against PTSD

Mr. Drapeau shares some personal moments regarding his illness and how the memories never go away.

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