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310 results returned within branch Navy
WREN Basic Training

WREN Basic Training

Mrs. Greer describes basic training as both scary and exciting. The barracks had been old correctional buildings. She describes how the other women in basic training seem to come together and the strict regulations she and the other women had to follow.

The Longest Day

The Longest Day

Mr. Gorsline talks about their return to Southampton with casualties.

Minesweeper Sinks

Minesweeper Sinks

Mr. Gorsline talks about how he watched a minesweeper sink on his return trip to Southampton.

Ship Receives Casualties.

Ship Receives Casualties.

Mr. Gorsline talks about the ship receiving casualties from the D-Day landings.

Getting the Troops Ashore

Getting the Troops Ashore

Mr. Gorsline talks about the D-Day landing.

One landing craft survives

One landing craft survives

Mr. Gorsline talks about D-Day

Going into action on D-Day

Going into action on D-Day

Mr. Gorsline talks about the night-crossing to Normandy.

Preparing for D-Day (Part 2)

Preparing for D-Day (Part 2)

Mr. Gorsline talks about the time leading-up to D-Day.

Preparing for D-Day (Part 1)

Preparing for D-Day (Part 1)

Mr. Gorsline talks about the time leading-up to D-Day.

Navy Training

Navy Training

Mr. Gorsline talks about basic training in Quebec City, and the obstacles that faced the French Canadians who wanted to join the Navy

Re-adjusting to civilian life

Re-adjusting to civilian life

Ms. Stevens talks about finding a job at Hayward's and maintaining contact with the many friends she made during her wartime service in the navy.

Halifax VE-Day Riots

Halifax VE-Day Riots

The looting and the rioting in Halifax was extensive. Navy personnel were blamed and barred from restaurants and other establishments.

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