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132 results returned within location Italy
Getting Wounded

Getting Wounded

Mr. Baker speaks about getting wounded in Italy while riding his motorcycle and how they evacuated the wounded from the battle field.

Being in Battle

Being in Battle

Mr. Baker describes what it’s like to be in battle - the lack of food, the fear and the reality of life in the army. As Mr. Baker says, "You never know when you're gonna get it."

Ilio’s Story

Ilio’s Story

Mr. Quick describes the adoption of a starving young Italian boy, Ilio, and having him with them for the duration of the Italian Campaign.

No Fraternization

No Fraternization

Mr. Quick describes getting in trouble for a kind-hearted gesture, but being vindicated by his commanding officer.

Lucky Break

Lucky Break

Mr. Quick talks about a time that he was lucky to escape death. He goes on to talk about another photographer who wasn’t so lucky.

Drawing Rations

Drawing Rations

Mr. Quick describes the makeup of the Film and Photo Unit and negotiating to improve his crew’s working environment.

You’re Nuts!

You’re Nuts!

Mr. Quick describes strategies he used to film events in the battlefield. He also talks about how some of the infantry thought he was nuts for doing what he was doing.

Two Ships Were Hit

Two Ships Were Hit

Mr. Quick describes going to Italy in a convoy, being dive bombed, and seeing his first dead soldiers near their camp in Campobasso.

Saving a family

Saving a family

Mr. Parker talks about moving down the line and helping an Italian family, who had lost all their possessions to the Germans, and had their house blown up by the Canadians.

Wounded In Action

Wounded In Action

Mr. Parker concludes his story about the Marksman being torpedoed with her eventual demise. He also talks about close friendships that developed on the ship.

Fear sets in

Fear sets in

Mr. Parker talks about how a man's death haunted him as they moved into position on their start line. He then talks about a corporal who came to him for reassurance.

A soldier dies in his arms

A soldier dies in his arms

Mr. Parker tells a story of moving up the line in Italy at night, and having to try and help a wounded man in the dark.

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