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132 results returned within location Italy
Silk Stockings Stuck To His Feet

Silk Stockings Stuck To His Feet

Mr. Kocher recalls the conditions of his six boys and how one solider had ignored his hygiene to the point where his silk stockings became embedded in his feet.

Six Young Recruits

Six Young Recruits

Mr. Kocher shares the story of how he was commanded to watch over six young recruits who had been sent down from active service for various reasons.

Red Hot Shrapnel

Red Hot Shrapnel

Mr. Kocher shares the story of how he got wounded and how long it took to receive medical assistance. He talks about his surgery and being given the sharp piece of shrapnel they removed from his neck.

Part Of The Royal Canadian Regiment

Part Of The Royal Canadian Regiment

Mr. Kocher explains how he became part of the Royal Canadian Regiment and witnessing the high casualty rate among Canadian troops during the battle of Ortona.

Pride for the Regiment

Pride for the Regiment

Mr. Baker speaks about the respect we should have for our country and the importance of taking the time to reflect on the service that was given by all regiments during wartime service.

The Gurkhas - Beautiful Soldiers

The Gurkhas - Beautiful Soldiers

Guard duty was the honour of the Gurkha soldiers. Mr. Baker describes his respect for the Gurkha soldier and their respect for Canadians.

The Pride for D-Day Dodgers

The Pride for D-Day Dodgers

Mr. Baker speaks about being referred to as D-Day Dodgers and explains the term. Although being miffed by the attitudes towards these soldiers - some believing they tried to avoid the Italian invasion - Mr. Baker speaks about the truth of their duty and the pride for their service.

Responsibilities of a Signalman

Responsibilities of a Signalman

Mr. Daniels explains his duties and responsibilities as a signalman between the front lines and headquarters.

Army Life is a Good Life

Army Life is a Good Life

Mr. Daniels provides a positive message to youth about accepting a career in army life.

Blacks in the Service

Blacks in the Service

Mr. Daniels expresses his opinion on how black people were not so willingly received into the service.

Giving Up Their Guns

Giving Up Their Guns

Mr. Bannerman tells about the time his crew were commanded to give up their guns unaware of where they were going to serve next.

A Gun Sergeant’s Duty

A Gun Sergeant’s Duty

Mr. Bannerman speaks about his responsibility as a gun sergeant and the loyalty of the crew during wartime service.

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