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48 results returned within regiment Royal Canadian Signals Corps
Witnessing the Aftermath of Hostility

Witnessing the Aftermath of Hostility

Mr. Desmeules describes the sight of dead bodies and the many starving children in the aftermath of war.

Restoring Communication in the Country

Restoring Communication in the Country

Mr. Desmeules explains the main purpose for their presence and his close work with General Romeo Dallaire.

Little Preparation for Tour to Rwanda

Little Preparation for Tour to Rwanda

Mr. Desmeules describes his tour to Rwanda in ‘95 and the poor living conditions for the soldiers.

Evacuation in Beirut

Evacuation in Beirut

Mr. Desmeules describes the evacuation of a Canadian contingent of soldiers from Beirut.

Culture Shock in Egypt

Culture Shock in Egypt

Mr. Desmeules describes the culture shock when arriving in Egypt and his duties with the operational side.

From Navy to Army Service

From Navy to Army Service

Mr. Desmeules speaks about his decision to join the army and participate in a tour to Egypt.

Losing Friends From War

Losing Friends From War

Mr. Carney reflects back to the loss of close friends and family and the meaning of Remembrance Day.

In Cyprus as an Electrician

In Cyprus as an Electrician

Mr. Carney speaks about the conditions in Cyprus and how it was a positive experience for him.

After One Year, You’re Different

After One Year, You’re Different

Mr. Carney expresses his feelings when soldiers return home from a place like Korea and how they’ve become a different person.

Mice, Rats and Snakes

Mice, Rats and Snakes

Mr. Carney describes the conditions living amongst mice, rats, snakes and the annoyance of mosquitos.

Living in Close Quarters

Living in Close Quarters

Mr. Carney relates his experiences of comradery when living close to his fellow soldiers.

Repairing and Laying Lines

Repairing and Laying Lines

Mr. Carney shares some circumstances he faced when repairing lines.

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