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29 results returned within regiment Armoured Regiment
Best Aspects of Time in Cyprus

Best Aspects of Time in Cyprus

Mr. Drapeau shares his story of timeless friendships and the importance of not judging others.

Understanding the Rules of Engagement

Understanding the Rules of Engagement

Mr. Drapeau provides a great understanding of the rules of engagement and importance of making the right decision.

Breaking the Wall Against PTSD

Breaking the Wall Against PTSD

Mr. Drapeau shares some personal moments regarding his illness and how the memories never go away.

Reality of War

Reality of War

Mr. Drapeau recalls his time in service as some of his proudest moments. He shares the fact that war is not always what you expect; it can be good and bad!



Mr. Wilkinson explains his role and responsibilities within the Reconnaissance platoon.

Obtaining a Motorcycle

Obtaining a Motorcycle

Mr. Wilkinson shares his experience of being given a motorcycle by Canadian naval officers and how he put it to good use.

November 11th, a Special Day

November 11th, a Special Day

Ms. Dupuis speaks about Remembrance Day and what it means to her.

Very Lucky to be Canadian

Very Lucky to be Canadian

Ms. Dupuis expresses her satisfaction with the career she had in the military and realizes how lucky we are as Canadians.

We Worked Hard to Help Others

We Worked Hard to Help Others

Ms. Dupuis expresses the pride she has for her regiments’ contribution to making a better life for the Afghan people.

Participating with Pride!

Participating with Pride!

Ms. Dupuis expresses her pride and gratitude for being selected to participate in the Soldier On program.

Kept Going for the Team

Kept Going for the Team

Although at times Ms. Dupuis thought about quitting, she shares the reality and importance of not letting the team down and finding strength to carry on.

Awareness of IED’s

Awareness of IED’s

Ms. Dupuis talks about patrolling and the pervasive danger of IED’s.

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