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849 results returned for Canadian Armed Forces
Taking That First Step

Taking That First Step

Mr. Feyko tells how the Soldier On program can help fellow comrades by inspiring them to take the initiative and seek assistance that is available.

Giving Back Through Soldier On Program

Giving Back Through Soldier On Program

Years after his accident, Mr. Feyko finds a way to give back to the ill and injured comrades through Soldier On.

New Environment can be Difficult

New Environment can be Difficult

Mr. Feyko speaks about the reality of being released from the military and the path he chose for himself.

Thought I was Invincible

Thought I was Invincible

Being injured at 27, Mr. Feyko expresses his thoughts that no matter how serious his injury, nothing would stop his recovery.

I Became Injured

I Became Injured

Mr. Feyko speaks in detail about his injury from a jump exercise and his path of recovery.

Selected for the SkyHawks

Selected for the SkyHawks

Mr. Feyko speaks about his decision to change career paths and represent Canadian Forces as part of the SkyHawks team.

Short Deployment to Somalia

Short Deployment to Somalia

Mr. Feyko speaks of his time spent in Somalia and his duties within the compound.

Cyprus was Different

Cyprus was Different

Mr. Feyko shares his experiences in Cyprus as part of the PPCLI regiment.

Joining the Infantry

Joining the Infantry

Mr. Feyko shares his desire to join the military and takes the quickest route possible.

Be the Person you are!

Be the Person you are!

Major Feyko shares a message about the challenges of overcoming an illness or injury and wants all Canadians to know there is help out there.

All on the Same Team!

All on the Same Team!

Major Feyko shares some of the best aspects of serving in the military and the strong bond of friendship that remains.

Family is Key

Family is Key

Major Feyko expresses a very heartfelt message about the importance of his family and the support provided to him during his recovery and present day!

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