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Sent in as Resistance Patrol

Heroes Remember

Sent in as Resistance Patrol

They sent a patrol into this one place with the resistance again and we went down a short tunnel, railroad tunnel and we noticed it was all mined, they had decommissioned the mine. We got in to the end of it and here was this German ammunition, they were all heavy shells and aerial bombs in this deep hole that had been mined but there was no roof on it. And while we’re in there the Jerry’s tried to blow it up by firing shells but they were just high enough that they hit the walls, the inside walls and exploded and not affect them. But this guide we had, this French underground guide, he got scared stiff and crawled underneath the piles of bombs to get out of the way. Well, we went out the tunnel in a hurry!

Mr. Summersides recounts a situation where the force was threatened with being blown up by the Germans.

Jim Summersides

Mr. Jim Summersides was born in Welland, Ontario, a town where he has lived all his life. As a young man, he recalls that peer pressure played a role in his joining the army. After enrolling, Mr. Summersides volunteered for the First Special Service Force, a unique joint Canadian- American effort that snuck behind German artillery lines creating havoc for the enemy. Mr. Summersides, along with fellow Canadian comrades, was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor from the American Congress for his rare and profound contribution to the war effort. After the force broke up, he joined the 48th Highlanders and finished the war with that regiment. Mr. Summersides is very proud of his service during the Second World War and has had the pleasure of returning to Holland as part of the Canadian delegation for anniversary events.

Meta Data
Veterans Affairs Canada
May 30, 2015
Person Interviewed:
Jim Summersides
War, Conflict or Mission:
Second World War
Liberation of Holland
1st Special Service Force

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