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Dive Bombers

Heroes Remember

The first time... the Germans had a plane called the Stuka, it's a name like Stuka, it's not quite correct. My memory fails me. But I believe they had some kind of a thing fixed in somewhere or on their plane and they would dive bomb us. These planes would dive bomb us, Stuka dive bombers. You could here them coming over and then they would come down. Hwooooeee!!! The noise of them coming down, you know. And as they would get down almost to the ground they would turn around and drop their bombs. They were bombers, not fighters. But this thing they had fastened made this terrible noise. It was bad enough what they were planning to do anyway but with these things... God, that was just so scary. After a while, everyone didn't land on you and you sort of got used to it, but I remember at first, when we first run into them, probably many a guy filled his pants.

Mr. Tee recalls the Germans dive bombing them and how scary it was.

Ronald Tee

Mr. Tee was born in Portsmouth, England, on December 1, 1919. His father served with the navy in the First World War and after retiring from the service moved his family to a small village called Pinner in Northern London. At the age of 20, Mr. Tee found himself being "called up" to the British Army. In February 1940 he joined the Queen's Royal Regiment and was posted to Newcastle. He later volunteered and joined the Reconnaissance Corp. Regiment (later part of the Royal Armoured Corps.) and became a member of the 56th Reconnaissance Battalion. He remained with this unit until the end of the war and held rank as Troop Sergeant. Mr. Tee received an honourable discharge from the service on September 11, 1946. In 1953, Mr. Tee and his family moved to Canada to start a new life. They now reside in Kingston, Ontario. Throughout his lifetime Mr. Tee has been known for his determination, courage, enterprise and his enduring motto of "Keep your chin up mate!" He has written a book sharing many stories and experiences he had as a British soldier during the Second World War.

Meta Data
Veterans Affairs Canada
Person Interviewed:
Ronald Tee
War, Conflict or Mission:
Second World War
56 Recee Unit (Armoured)
Troop Sergeant
Armoured Car Commander

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