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Assisting the French Underground

Heroes Remember

Assisting the French Underground

We got two French people from the French underground and the Canadian Army took them in as scouts. Now one of them had reported that, in a little town, St. Mary's, Marysville, or something like that it was called that the Germans had raided the French underground and they had killed their radio operator and damaged and destroyed their radio and they wanted to know if we could get another radio back to the French underground and this was quite an experience. We started off with two patrols carrying a radio a piece to make sure we got one of them back there anyway and we bumped into a German patrol on the way and had quite a battle there. We only lost one man but we wiped out the German patrol but we were something like pretty close to three miles inside of enemy territory to get this radio but we finally did. We did get the radio there.

Mr. Buote describes a dangerous patrol undertaken to deliver a radio to the French underground, behind enemy lines. In so doing, a firefight occurs resulting in a German patrol being wiped out.

Peter Buote

Peter Buote was born in Rustico, Prince Edward Island in 1924, the youngest of 7 children. His early years were spent in an orphanage. After moving to Moncton, New Brunswick he left school at age 14 and went to work in the Minto coal mines. At 16, he went to work at a dry-cleaners. Despite being of age, Mr. Buote was turned down for Naval service because he looked too young. He later joined the Regina Rifles and was involved in the D-Day landing. He served as a sniper in Europe. Mr. Buote also served in Korea, and after returning to Canada, operated a dry-cleaning business.

Meta Data
Veterans Affairs Canada
Person Interviewed:
Peter Buote
War, Conflict or Mission:
Second World War
Regina Rifles

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