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Gulf War

The Gulf War of the early 1990s was an important chapter in Canada’s military history. More than 4,000 Canadians served in the Persian Gulf region in 1990-1991 as part of a Coalition of countries. Their goal was to remove the invading forces of Iraq from neighboring Kuwait.


The Gulf War

Mr.Ethell talks about being in the Middle East at the start of the Persian Gulf War.

As a Woman

Ms. Fuchs speaks about the idea of being a woman in the military and how over time she became easily accepted in the position of driver.

Chosen as Part of the Persian Gulf Contingent

Mr. Snell explains the process he went through in becoming part of the crew on the HMCS Athabaskan and the work required in a short period of time before embarkment.

Sights of the Oil Fires in the Distance

Realizing the burning oil fires were close, Mr. Mellor describes the sights from on board the ship with the smell and foggy surroundings.

Morale Amongst Sailors Was Good!

Contrary to some media reports, everyone worked as a team and was focused on the duties at hand.

Leaving the Port of Halifax

Mr. Bathurst recalls embarking from the port of Halifax and remembers the emotions felt by the sailors in seeing the support of all the people as they bid farewell.

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