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Alice and Art Ballantyne

This story is submitted by Marilyn Schiavo of the District Office in North Bay. It is a unique story about Alice and Art Ballantyne.

"Art Ballantyne and Alice Hodson met in the kitchen of the Officers Mess of the Black Watch Infantry Regiment of Montreal. He was a cook and she was a waitress. They were married one month later and had to be apart shortly after. She trained to be a driver mechanic with the District 6 Royal Canadian Engineers. Her main duty was to drive Unit Colonel Ahern, but she also had to learn car mechanics to assist the mechanic. She also drove an ambulance which she says was not easy, especially in Halifax where the street cars didn't give much room to pass.

Her husband joined her after transferring to the engineers' unit as a welder. They worked in buildings side by side and didn't see much of each other during the day, but they were together after work. They lived in Halifax for two years and hoped neither one would have to go overseas. After the war ended, they moved to Kirkland Lake and resided there for more than 50 years. Mr. Ballantyne is now deceased."

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