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310 results returned within branch Navy
Dangerous Stoke Hold Makes for Jumpy Nerves

Dangerous Stoke Hold Makes for Jumpy Nerves

Mr. Doherty recalls how the stoke hold was the most dangerous part of the ship. He then describes how he exited the war with jumpy nerves, having experienced so much, and remembers when he and a Petty Officer on the Guysborough thought they'd been torpedoed.

Sinking of the Guysborough

Sinking of the Guysborough

Mr. Doherty recalls hearing of the sinking of the Guysborough, and how it affected him emotionally.

Joining Up at Age 15

Joining Up at Age 15

Mr. Doherty recalls how he was able to join the Navy at age 15, and his motivation for doing so.

VE Day in Halifax

VE Day in Halifax

Mr. Pellerin was in Halifax at the end of the war in Europe and remembers the VE- Day riots. He describes his view of the incidents that took place.

How a depth charge works

How a depth charge works

A sailor needed to know what and how a depth charge worked aboard a ship assigned to protect a convoy crossing the North Atlantic. Mr. Pellerin describes what a depth charge was and how it was able to be set to explode at different depths when looking for an enemy submarine.

Service aboard a British Destroyer

Service aboard a British Destroyer

Mr. Pellerin talks about the hasty placement of him aboard a British ship sailing out of Halifax harbour. The HMS Caldwell was used for convoy protection crossing the North Atlantic.

Join up to the Canadian Navy and basic training

Join up to the Canadian Navy and basic training

Mr. Pellerin talks of the journey and reason he and a friend of his travelled to St. John, New Brunswick, to join the Canadian Navy. He then describes the

We would operate very quietly

We would operate very quietly

Mr. Murray describes passive surveillance of Soviet missile submarines off Bermuda.

Trawlers out to the horizon

Trawlers out to the horizon

Mr. Murray discusses the tangible pleasures of commanding a vessel and being part of a ship’s family.

We did rescue the entire crew ( Part 2 of 2)

We did rescue the entire crew ( Part 2 of 2)

Mr. Murray describes a very dangerous sea rescue during a hurricane.

We did rescue the entire crew ( Part 1 of 2)

We did rescue the entire crew ( Part 1 of 2)

Mr. Murray describes a very dangerous sea rescue during a hurricane.

To be Captain of a ship was the goal

To be Captain of a ship was the goal

Mr. Murray describes the pleasure he's felt as a ship's Captain.

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