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29 results returned within occupation Engineer
Not Afraid, But Cautious

Not Afraid, But Cautious

Mr. Toney describes not being fearful but constantly on edge and his reactions towards seeing dead Canadian soldiers.

Shooting The Enemy

Shooting The Enemy

Mr. Toney describes his inexplicable sense of immortality and how he rationalized killing the enemy.

Demolition Training

Demolition Training

Mr. Toney describes joining the Engineering Corps and excelling at demolition.

Harold Stafford Lidstone

Harold Stafford Lidstone

Mr. Lidstone describes the role of the Battalion Engineering Corps in repairing damaged trenches.

The Beginning Of The End

The Beginning Of The End

Mr. Lidstone gives a short synopsis of his service in France and the Allied Army occupation in Germany, describing the success of the Canadian surprise attack at Amiens, learning of the war’s end, and offering his empathy for German civilians.

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