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38 results returned within occupation Mid Upper / Tail Gunner
Positioned in the Glass Dome

Positioned in the Glass Dome

Mr. Heather describes his responsibility during air raids - focusing on the constant degree of alertness required.

Overseas on the Empress of Scotland

Overseas on the Empress of Scotland

After training, Mr. Heather and his friend journey overseas and get “crewed up.”

The Eyes of the Aircraft

The Eyes of the Aircraft

Mr. Muir explains being on constant lookout for enemy attack.

Opportunities After the War

Opportunities After the War

After returning home, Mr. Muir speaks about his decision to return to school and the success he later achieved.

Many Friends were Lost.

Many Friends were Lost.

Mr. Muir expresses his sadness for the buddies he lost during his time with Bomber Command.

The Sky and Stormy Weather

The Sky and Stormy Weather

Mr. Muir describes flights where weather played havoc.

Scary Moments in Flight

Scary Moments in Flight

Mr. Muir describes the dangers and emotions involved with bombing runs.

The Lighter Side of Flying

The Lighter Side of Flying

Although stressful and difficult at times, Mr. Muir recalls having some fun in flight.

Getting “Crewed Up!”

Getting “Crewed Up!”

Mr. Muir shares his experience of how he became part of his crew, considering this a very lucky day!

Decision to Join the Air Force

Decision to Join the Air Force

Mr. Muir recounts the process he took in training to become amid upper gunner in the Lancaster Bomber with RAF 50 Squadron.

People Thank Me!

People Thank Me!

Mr. McLean expresses his pride for service and his willingness to let all Canadians know what was done for his country.

My Buddy Harold!

My Buddy Harold!

Mr. McLean shares a story of his strong bond of friendship taking every step of service together.

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