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32 results returned
“Mine Dismantling” Part 1 of 3

“Mine Dismantling” Part 1 of 3

Risking his life, Mr. Sutherland secures a mine which is adrift in the Scapa Flow close to some battleships. Because of this action he was mentioned in a dispatch.

Assignment on HMS <em>Prosperine</em>

Assignment on HMS Prosperine

Mr. Sutherland became an officer in the navy and volunteers for mine disposal duties.

Plane goes down

Plane goes down

Mr. Cauley talks about completing his training, and being posted to an RAF squadron. It was supposed to be an operational training unit, but on their 4th trip, the plane lost an engine and went down in the Bay of Biscay; he lost his whole crew.

Contribution of the Merchant Navy Towards War Efforts

Contribution of the Merchant Navy Towards War Efforts

Mr. Haegert talks about the contribution of the Merchant Navy to Canada’s war efforts in the Second World War.

End of War Reaction

End of War Reaction

Mr. Haegert describes his reaction on the day in which he learned that the Second World War had ended.

Receiving Distress Calls

Receiving Distress Calls

Mr. Haegert describes what it was like in the North Atlantic when receiving distress calls from other ships.

The Attitude of Canadian Troops

The Attitude of Canadian Troops

Mr. Haegert talks about the attitude of the Canadian troops and what they were like.

No Escorts Available

No Escorts Available

Mr. Haegert describes how there were no escorts for the ships unless they had troops onboard.

Supply Drops

Supply Drops

Mr. Campbell discusses his experiences dropping supplies for POWs after the war.

Cream of the Crop Students

Cream of the Crop Students

Mr. Campbell talks about how impressed he was with the students he taught, and discusses his feelings on the atomic bomb.

A Whole Crew Lost

A Whole Crew Lost

Mr. Campbell reminisces about his lost navigator buddy and an entire crew that didn’t come home.

Our Guns Didn’t Work

Our Guns Didn’t Work

Mr. Campbell talks about a very dangerous mission on which his crew lost a comrade.

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