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16 results returned within regiment 166 Squadron
Aircraft Shortages at Flying School

Aircraft Shortages at Flying School

Mr. Warren describes a shortage of Anson aircraft at Elementary Flying School in High River Alberta. His tongue-in-cheek sense is that more value was placed on recovering the wheels from a downed aircraft than on its pilot. Later, at RAF flying school in Medicine Hat, he retrains in a single engine Harvard which eventually leads him to becoming a fighter pilot.

I Was Lucky All The Time

I Was Lucky All The Time

Mr. Ferguson discusses how lucky he felt he'd been and gives two good examples. The first is when a German shell lands at his feet and fails to explode. The second is having his great coat riddled by a strafing German airplane yet leaving him unharmed.

My Hands Turned Black

My Hands Turned Black

Mr. Ferguson describes stealing a pair of boots, and after returning them being tightly lashed to a wagon wheel as punishment.

His Head Split in Two

His Head Split in Two

Mr. Ferguson describes being designated to tend a mule which becomes the unfortunate victim of a German shell fragment.

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