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New York VIP

Heroes Remember

New York, VIP's were gonna visit my out post. I said, You'll have to go around the regular route. I'm going to make a detour. I normally do, because of my relationship with the Turks." And this guy from NATO says, "No, we're following you and they better, they better let us go through." We got to the third checkpoint, "Good morning Sargent Tom you're coming for your visit ", I said, "Yes sir." Open the gate for me. Down comes the gate, " Where do you people think you're going ?" "We're following him." " Oh no you don't, you don't, you get back. I don't care what you do but your not going through this road." I was allowed, they were, they were kind of peeved but they had to listen. I was glad somewhat. I was very glad them Turks didn't let them VIP's from New York, you know, they thought they could do what they want.

Mr. Eagle talks about New York VIP and how they thought they could go wherever they wanted.

Tom Eagle

Mr. Eagle was born on the Ojibwa First Nation Reserve in Valley River, Manitoba, in 1932. Upon seeing the impressive way two Second World War Veterans conducted themselves on the reserve, Mr. Eagle decided to enlist in the army at the age of 19 in hopes of fighting in the Korean War. However recruitment for NATO was also taking place and Mr. Eagle was sent to Germany as a new member of the NATO peacekeeping force. Within six months Mr. Eagle became a corporal and also a platoon commander and Sergeant while serving in Cyprus. A strong leader and disciplinarian, Mr. Eagle also coached the unbeatable Queen's Own Rifles cross country running team. After spending 25 years in the army Mr. Eagle took his discharge in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, where he has made it his home, and has continued his leadership role educating people in his fight for the recognition of First Nation Veterans, speaking to students in public schools and working with the cadets and rangers in Yellowknife. Mr. Eagle also took part in the 2005 Aboriginal Spiritual Journey.

Meta Data
Veterans Affairs Canada
Person Interviewed:
Tom Eagle
War, Conflict or Mission:
Canadian Armed Forces
Queen's Own Rifles of Canada
Platoon Sergeant

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