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Don’t forget them

Heroes Remember

I think that people should more get in the history of their country, what happened. Nobody talks about history. And I think that war 1914 - 18 is a big history for Canada and from '39 to '45 is a big one, but they don't talk about it at the schools. A lot of kids don't know nothing. Now lately (inaudible) posters and stuff, you're amazed what the kids come up with. I'm amazed. I think you should always remember the ones who fought for us, you know. Who layed their lives to make us free, you know. I think that should be the biggest part, thing in their lifestyle you know. You don't forget them guys, never. Never should forget them guys who took that up to make us free. And I think that is one of the biggest things I think there is. And you should pray on your knees that it never happened anymore. That's the way I think of it. And it's funny too, we talk, a buddy and I, we, together we talk. When somebody else walks in, tried to get in the conversation . . . there's no more talk. We talk among themselves but they I talk with somebody else beside it. We know what, we both went through it, and somebody else comes in it . . . and I know more guys say that too, you know, from the Canadian Army. They can talk among themselves, but an outsider wants to get in the conversation . . . that's it. I don't know what it is.

Mr. Beukema offers some personal reflections on the importance of Remembrance Day.

Laurens Beukema

Mr. Beukema was born in Forbruk, Holland, in 1927. He and his family lived through the hardships caused by the German occupation and the subsequent joy of liberation by the Canadian army. After serving overseas for three years in the Dutch Army, Mr. Beukema and his wife moved to Canada. Although he visits Holland often, Mr. Beukema is proud to claim Canada as his home.

Meta Data
Veterans Affairs Canada
Person Interviewed:
Laurens Beukema
War, Conflict or Mission:
Second World War

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