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McLean Avenue

Hidden photo gallery

Municipality/Province: Calgary, AB

Memorial number: 48002-075

Type: Street; plaque

Address: McLean Avenue

Location: Garrison Green

GPS coordinates: Lat: 51.0034965   Long: 114.1220975

McLean Avenue was dedicated in 2004.

The streets in Garrison Green were initially named after the places where Canadian troops had served on peacekeeping missions and were to be renamed to reflect Lincoln Park’s history as an airfield during the Second World War. The Canadian Association of Veterans in United Nations Peacekeeping's (CAVUNP) national president at the time, Colonel Don Ethell, objected. The Calgary chapter of CAVUNP proposed 16 Canadian peacekeepers names, of which 13 were chosen. Each street is named after a Canadian Peacekeeper, of varying ranks and service time frames. A summary of the Peacekeepers’ experiences is provided with a plaque placed on each street. Together they provide a comprehensive overview of Canadian peacekeeping missions and experiences from the 1950’s to 2000.

Inscription found on memorial

[street sign/panneau de rue]


Between 1974 and 1990, Master Warrant Officer Donald Lionel McLean served in the Army maintenance
units in four United Nations peacekeeping missions, including the Middle East (1974), Cyprus (1982),
Golan Heights (1985-86), and Namibia (1989-90). During his thirty-two year career, McLean rose from
junior to senior positions in field and maintenance workshops. Through his peacekeeping role, his
numerous tours with NATO and his service with the Airborne Regiment, McLean's exemplary standard in
the performance of his duties, and his loyalty, integrity and professionalism served as examples for his
superiors, peers and subordinates alike. As a member of the Canadian Association of Veterans in United
Nations Peacekeeping (CAVUNP), McLean worked tirelessly to expand the membership and assist
peacekeeping veterans in need.


De 1974 à 1990, l'adjudant-maître Donald Lionel McLean a servi dans les unités d'entretien de l'Armée de
terre de quatre missions de maintien de la paix des Nations Unies au Moyen-Orient (1974), à Chypre (1982),
sur le plateau du Golan (1985-86) et en Namibie (1989-90). En 32 années de carrière, il a franchi plusieurs
échelons des ateliers d'entretien et de maintenance en campagne. Durant son service avecd les Casques
bleus, les Forces de l'OTAN et le Régiment aéroporté, le comportement exemplaire, la loyauté, l'intégrité
et le professionnalisme de l'Adjudant-maître McLean ont inspiré ses supérierus, ses collègues, et ses
subordonnés. Membre de l'Association canadienne des Vétérans Gardiens de la Paix pour les Nations Unies,
Donald McLean a travaillé sans répit pour accroître le nombre d'adhérents et pour aider les vétérans dans
le besoin.

Canada's Peacekeeping Heroes
Les héros candiens du maintien de la paix

Canada Lands Company Limited
Société immobilière du Canada limitée

Street view


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