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A Chance to Fly

Heroes Remember

We could fly and we could get flying pay, 75 cents, and that was our authorization to go up. You weren’t supposed to be up without your chit. However, us timekeepers, we never turned in our chits. We always had them in case we could get the chance to go up. First time I ever went up was with an officer and he was on the night weather patrol like when they were night flying one of the instructors had to go up ahead of time to see how the weather was and I went up with them. And we used to from Dolphin in to Winnipeg if we could get a flip to Portage it took a two-hour train ride, otherwise it was an all night train ride so we’d love to get a flip in there. So we didn’t turn our flying pay request in because as long as we had that that gave us authorization to be up. And we did have one instructor that wanted to take us on a cross country flight and we thought no we won’t do that because there was no way we would have been authorized. We knew if there was a crash or anything his wife wouldn’t have gotten one penny because we’d have been in that plane and we weren’t authorized so we were at least smart enough to say no we won’t go.

Ms. Brown explains the opportunity the WD’s were given to up on flight and the importance of having authorization to do so

Celia Brown

Celia Brown was born December 30, 1920 in Sussex, New Brunswick. Her motivation to join the Air Force was inspired at a young age by the fascination of wanting to fly. After joining up in New Brunswick, Ms. Brown travelled to Toronto for training and later performed much of her In-Canada service in Dofton, Manitoba serving in the Clerk Administration field holding rank of Corporal. Today Ms. Brown is very active with the Women’s Division of the Royal Canadian Air Force where she advocates for their recognition and contribution made by the Women who served with the Canadian military. On November 12, 1945, after 4 years service, Ms. Brown discharged from the Air Force.

Meta Data
Veterans Affairs Canada
Person Interviewed:
Celia Brown
War, Conflict or Mission:
Second World War
Air Force
Royal Canadian Air Force Women's Division

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