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Andrew Peter Barber

Mr. Andrew Peter Barber is a Royal Canadian Navy Veteran who served on a number of ships, including HMCS Haida on its second tour to Korea. He is a member of the Friends of Haida Board of Directors and Vice President and Director of Haida Volunteers. He is also the Recording Secretary for the Korea Veterans Association Unit No. 26 in Hamilton, a member of The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 139 (Mississauga), the Recording Secretary of the Burl-Oak Naval Veterans, the Chairman of the Veterans Committee of the Halton Naval Veterans Association and the Duty Veteran at Citizenship Court Ceremonies in the greater Hamilton area.

Mr. Barber assists individual Veterans and Veterans’ organizations with compassion and dedication. After returning from Korea in 2010 as part of the Revisit Program, he felt that the story of the fantastic change and rebirth in South Korea needed to be told here in Canada. As Chairperson of the Korea Veterans Association, Republic of Korea Memorial Committee, Mr. Barber helped raised funds for the design, construction and installation of a monument to the eight destroyers that served in Korea from 1950 to 1955. In July 2014, the monument was unveiled at Spencer Smith Park in Burlington, Ontario. Mr. Barber continues to organize the ceremony, which takes place each year in July.