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Captain Samantha Roman

Captain Samantha Roman is a Reservist with the Canadian Armed Forces nominated for her “tireless and determined” work to help Veterans deal with mental and physical health issues and to support their transition from the Canadian Armed Forces to the civilian world.

She is a member of the St. John Ambulance Board of Directors. Newly retired Veterans have experience and training that is a great asset to the organization and she has helped Veterans get involved or employed with its various programs. Working with Treble Victor and other organizations, she has helped guide and mentor Veterans as they transition into the civilian job market.

She has made a significant contribution to those with operational stress injuries by helping them access therapy dogs through the St. John Ambulance Therapy Dog program. She seeks out Veterans who are struggling and helps them access Veterans Affairs Canada programs and to find appropriate care.

During fundraising events, she has, using her own resources, sponsored elderly Veterans to attend as her guests. Captain Roman self-funded a trip to the Netherlands to support Veterans participating in the Nijmegen Marches and also travelled to Vimy to support Veterans attending this pilgrimage.