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Robert Cantin C.D.

Mr. Robert Cantin served as a cadet and with the Naval Reserve in the 1960s, as well as a civilian instructor for the Champlain Naval Cadet Corps in Québec. For the past 40 years, he has dedicated his life to genealogical research on Canadians who have given their lives in service since 1867.

He has published a collection of his efforts entitled, SACRIFICE. His collection is composed of 15 volumes of over 600 pages that include the names and details on the lives of the fallen. His work has been on display at the Royal Canadian Navy Headquarters in Ottawa and Esquimalt, as well as the Naval Museums of Québec and Halifax.

Mr. Cantin has been recognized with the Queen’s Jubilee in 2012, the Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award in 2013, and the Sovereign Medal for Volunteers in 2016, for his work as a researcher, his community outreach to ensure Veterans’ well-being and his contributions on Canadian heritage.